Thursday, November 24, 2022

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Nail Art: Gel Nails in Frosty Taro, Part 13

The word Taro refers to a root vegetable that we Asians have all eaten in some form or another (usually as Boba Tea) sometime in our lives. Boiling them can turn their flesh into a purple color -- hence, the probable source of this gel color's name. 

  It is a beautiful gel shade that I liked instantly. My pictures do not do it justice. Initially, my nail Tech discouraged me from having it on my fingernails because she thought it was not a good choice of color for the Autumn season.  But she okayed them on my toenails.  

beautiful color!


Sunday, November 6, 2022

Federal Reserve: Dave Ramsey Agrees With Bernie Sanders On This?

The Fed [Reserve Board] is using a hammer ... overkill, overkill, overkill... the Labor problem is not due to economic inflation. It is due to the Pandemic... and your efforts to "flatten the curve ..." -- Dave Ramsey
