Donald J. Trump will be the 45th President of the United States.
It is time to stop coming up with these pipe dreams of somehow preventing this. Our democracy has spoken. These are the results.
There are two things which are not going to happen that are circulating all over social media with little to no research involved, prompting thousands of petition signatures and shares. If you took high school Civics you learned about all this, and ought to know better.
1. You will not sway the Electoral College by signing a petition encouraging "Faithless Electors". Each state has two slates of electors, chosen in advance by each campaign via their State Party. You become an elector by essentially being a "Super Volunteer". When a candidate wins a state, it's their slate of electors that go to the Electoral College meetings. Meaning the Electors voting for Trump are among his most diehard supporters. They spent hundreds of hours campaigning for him and were honored with being selected as an elector, what makes anyone think they'll change their mind now? If nothing that he said before changed their opinion of him, what do you think he'll do between now and December 19th that would actually cause his biggest fans to turn away?
2. Trump will not be impeached or impeded from taking office. The lawsuits against him, including the rape case, are civil. He faces no criminal charges. This doesn't necessarily prevent impeachment, but it does make it harder. There is some legal debate about what is an impeachable offense. If there were an effort to impeach him on the Trump University or Trump Foundation case, it could go to the Supreme Court to determine whether that even is "Impeachable", but it would be after he tilts the court to the right. and look, even if Chief Justice Roberts ruled with the Liberals on the bench and they rule that Congress CAN impeach Trump, think about who controls congress...
Like it or not, Donald Trump IS your President now. Hash-tagging and protesting that he isn't only intensifies the divide that got us here today. If Trump terrifies you, your energy ought to be focused on rebuilding. If we had listened to our fellow citizens, maybe we would have had a better understanding of Trump's strength. Maybe we would have known to work harder in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, and Iowa. Where people are hurting and fearful for their future.
We need to get out of our bubbles and dialogue with our fellow Americans to learn why they voted for Trump. Maybe we can learn where we went wrong, and build Parties that work for them and include their narratives, rather than silencing them.
Don't unfriend them, instead get coffee with your family member who voted for Trump, learn why they are hurting, why they mistrust Washington and start organizing and running for offices up and down the ballot with the same vigor with which you supported Clinton, Bernie, or another Republican. That is how we move forward, that is how we unite, that is how we begin to address the racism, nationalism, sexism, and xenophobia of Donald Trump.
We need to begin the process of moving forward as Americans.
Just like Secretary Clinton asked us to.
Just like President Obama asked us to.
-- Nate R, November 10th 2016
image: metrocosm |
Because the USA is a Constitutional Republic (Rule by Law) and not a Democracy (Rule by Majority) ... And each State is a Sovereign State and part of the United States of America, the Electoral College is important to maintain -- Melissa Lybbert
But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. James 3:17