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To summarise the festivities; tens of thousands of homosexual men have contracted AIDS this month, hundreds of thousands more have severely ruptured their rectal organs and will be unable to go to the bathroom in a normal manner again. Millions more have spread and contracted a host of diseases from syphilis to gonorrhea as well as the onset of anal and rectal cancer as feces, semen, and blood are mixed in the most unnatural of ways. It has been quite a month.
How can I say I care about "gay people" if I encourage and celebrate this behavior? Two men sodomising each is not love, it is unhealthy and destructive behavior. Many will call me a hater and a bigot for saying this (oblivious to their own hatred and bigotry) but it is love that demands I say these things. How many young men are being seduced into this self-destructive lifestyle while the media celebrates and panders to their seducers? If I love homosexuals I will seek to steer them out of that lifestyle and inform them of the work of courageous men, like Dr. Josef Nicolosi, who have developed reparative treatments rescuing men and women from same-sex attractions.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ, along with a good supporting community, can liberate and set free any one of us from the deepest addictions, habits, and desires.
Our bodies were designed for lifelong monogamous sexual activity between a male and female. All the scientific data confirms this. This is the standard. All the propaganda, hype, sentimentality and seductions of our modern narcissistic age will not change that standard. America will either turn back to this standard or we will go the way of the Roman Empire.
-- Jason Storms
Thou shalt not lie with mankind,
as with womankind:
it is abomination.