Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Dogs of Summer, part 1

Some pups are unforgettably handsome and I must post abou them. This young Poodle mix and his equally young owners were in line for Mario's Italian Ice in the Little Italy neighborhood.  May I take his picture, I asked one of them.  Little boy said okay, but was really more interested in keeping his place in line for the counter. Their beautiful doggie agreed with his sentiment, so I didn't push it by distracting them or by asking too many questions (such as the  black cutie-pies name). Just took quick pictures and got out of their way. Glad that they have a firm grip on this precious pretty Pup, though. 

young Poodle waiting in line 

stayed still long enough for a photo

Otherwise, he is too warm and distracted by the great aroma of FOOD and/or ICEd DRINKS to care about anything else.