Sunday, October 4, 2020



“Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately,” Trump tweeted just before 1 a.m. “We will get through this TOGETHER!”

The fact that President Trump and the First Lady have just tested positive for COVID-19 coronavirus may just be the best thing that could happen to his campaign. It is an excellent opportunity to show America and the world that that overwhelming number of people who get coronavirus get through it just fine with little to no symptoms at all.

Last month in my house, my son was diagnosed with COVID-19 coronavirus, and for a time he lost his sense of taste and smell, other than that he had no symptoms at all. My daughter and I, who obviously live in very close proximity with him, did not develop coronavirus even after being tested 3 times. After roughly two weeks, my son was tested one last time and that test came back negative. In St. Johns County in Florida where we live, there has been 5,423 cases to date, and 70 people have died, that is a 98.8% recovery rate. Those numbers to me are comforting, not terrifying, and they should be to you as well.

The main stream media enemies of President Trump, I am sure, will use this opportunity to bash him incessantly over the next 24 hours news cycle, but they should be careful because this could likely backfire on them. Now that President Trump and the First Lady have tested positive, he has a unique opportunity to personally demonstrate that COVID-19 coronavirus is not a fear-laden death sentence, and that will give hope to millions of people. That, of course, will drive the radical Left who wish for his death on a daily basis to the brink of insanity. Try as they might, they just can’t seem to stop the Trump Train.

Our prayers are with you, Mr. President and First Lady, for a quick and complete recovery just like my son had. - G. Grider

Our two youngest children were unknowingly exposed to their friend who was asymptomatic with Covid-19. They had been  invited to his last-minute h.s. graduation party.  No masks were worn during the 5+ hour event. They ate together; and daughter even soaked and swam in the pool with Nathan. Of course,  final goodbyes were accompanied with hugs.  Yet, neither of our kids  (and none of the other Guests) came down with Corona, thank God.  - RRE

Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed; 

save me, and I shall be saved:

 for thou art my praise. (Jeremiah 17:14)



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