Thursday, October 29, 2015

Smash. Wham. Bam

Throw-back Thursday
 God's faithfulness to provide

It's a miracle!  Someone in our household (I'm not naming names, but the Perp was neither one of us Parents) rear-ended a BMW. We are forever grateful to God that no one was killed or hurt. However, we had no collision coverage for our bargain-basement CV.  The search for an affordable, yet adequate repair was on! Thank God for hubby who is willing to step out of  his comfort zone. Who else would scour Craigslist, hire a complete stranger working out of his one-car garage in Chicago, and pay him 1/3 of the estimated cost of repair in cash?!! But, lookeee here:  unlike our other fool-hardy "investments", this repair guy came through. Within 36 hours. For half the cost!
The car may not be perfect, but it's GORGEOUS to us. Thank You, Lord Jesus!

Brand-new to us CV

Smashed soon after!
