Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Importance of Posture

What makes someone outwardly and inwardly beautiful?  POSTURE!!

I just had to re-post this entry from someone I follow on IG. (Note:  I do not always agree with Ms Crawford, but I find some of her posts worth the read). 

Here’s my gorgeous friend @vickiarcher with her fabulous silver grey hair . She is one of the most intelligent, interesting , hard working, stylish, clever women I know. I’m always so invigorated after seeing her .. she’s so cool, so informed so ahead of what’s happening in the world. She has started many conversations on her super successful blog that resonates with women of my age ...#betternotyounger is her famous hashtag. Recently @vickiarcher has become a granny, a boutique hotelier in St Remy and done up her fabulous London flat. She juggles her many businesses and projects and now she has written what I call a inspirational Beauty eBook! “20 Best Kept Beauty Secrets”. I’ve read it twice because it’s not long and I loved it.I’ve also given it to my daughters. One chapter sent a shock of recognition and it was on “Posture”. This is something I’ve got to become more aware of ... I often slouch in chairs, I run around unconsciously not holding myself upright engaging my core mostly because it’s hard work, I’m lazy and I forget. A video someone took of me alerted me to my somewhat haphazard posture. After reading @jordonpeterson brilliant book “12 Rules for Life” the first chapter is “Stand up straight with your shoulders back” It’s clear Posture is a BIG DEAL. This chapter is about dominance, hierarchical structures and why bad posture indicates being defeated by life and all its terrible consequences and good posture sends an important message to the world and to yourself .. and all its wonderful consequences. It’s a hallmark of taking on responsibility and being resilient. In @vickiarcher eBook “20 Best Kept Beauty Secrets” she says that upright and confident posture is the beginning of beauty, that it shows and creates a positive state of mind ... she says it really is one of the simplest ways to feel and look more youthful. I couldn’t agree more. Her uplifting book is lovely reminder and a précis of everything that makes someone beautiful in body and spirit. I’m off to Aqua aerobics ( my version of Pilates ) with my stomach held tight, my core engaged, my back straight ..... I hope I’m still remembering this at 11 am ! Serena Crawford


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