Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Hubby Romeo and House Doors

While there has been a recent increase in hubby's company stock valuation (read about it H E R E) -- for which we are very thankful to the Lord -- there has also been a delightful decrease:

Fewer expenses for 2019- hooorah!! Dear hubby has blessed our lives once again.  In addition to his hard-working, sacrificial tendencies, he also has a talent for words fitly spoken, gifts (chosen by yourse truly, but always within reason, lol), or a lessening of my worries:

1.  Hubby let me do the choosing among the gifts offered by his company to commemorate his employment anniversary.  He "allows" me to wear the beautiful bracelet, ha!  (stock photo, gold/Peridot bracelet)
pc: amazon

2. An extravagant-to-us Anthropologie light fixture became reality during our recent bathroom renovation -- just because *I* insisted.

Hobby Lobby oval mirrors; Anthropologie light

3. What more can I add to this loving reminder through his email?

4. I was stressing about finding affordable doors to replace our very old (read: original), taped, discoloured, dilapidated storm doors.  He took the time to search and found a set in very good condition through Craigslist. He also painted and installed them himself. It took 2+ days!

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