Wednesday, July 11, 2018

LIST: Smart Ways to Keep Cool in Hot Weather

We were in a heat-wave in our area a few days ago. Our newly-installed Rheem AC; plus additional mushroom-vents, functioning attic fan, and brand new lighter-colored roof shingles ---   voilĂ , we were very comfortable! Thank you, Lord!

A recent article by Domino Magazine lists 20 ways readers keep cool:

1. Use the 1-2 Punch of a Fan + Spray Bottle

When I was younger my bedroom was in the unfinished upstairs of our cape cod style house. No heat in winter, no A/C in summer, but I loved the privacy! On the hottest nights I would employ window fans, and a spray bottle, set to the finest mist. When I got hot, I'd spray myself with some cool water and let the air from the fan chill me. - BrandeMT

 2. Get a Solar Attic Fan

We like our house really cool (67-69 degrees). We recently had two solar attic fans installed. The past few days, we've noticed it is cooler in the house and the AC has been off the past 2-3 days. That should save on our light bill and makes the installation costs seem not so bad. - williamsweyr

3.  Make Small, Smart Choices All Day

I grew up in Fresno, CA in an old farmhouse without A/C—now totally unimaginable. I completely agree with the daytime clamp-down... that is the best way to keep the temp from spiking beyond what you can control with fans. Room darkening drapes or thermal shades really make a huge difference. Also, I am a big fan (ha!) of reversing the fans to move hot air out when inside temp is above outside temp. I also would suggest sleeping low... hot air rises, so getting as close to the floor as possible/comfortable makes a good bit of difference. Ideally—a hammock is the ultimate summer sleep vehicle, plenty of airflow—but not always an option inside! - Barbieq
The key isn't what you do at night, it is how you regulate the temperature all the time. Always shut up your apartment during the day and turn on ceiling fans (if you have them) to circulate air. Then at night, switch to window fans. If you mess it up you will have to wait 'til a 60 degree night to get things back to normal. - Rahskolnikov

4. Make "Ice Babies" out of Bottles of Water

Freeze a 2-litre bottle with water. Put in a pillowcase and hold to your chest like a teddy. Cooling down the central core will cool down all extremities as a result. My roomie calls them "ice babies." - Novalis
I have a couple of old plastic water bottles in the freezer ¾ filled with water. When it's really warm I fill the remainder of the bottle with tap water and take them to bed with me, creating a "hot water bottle" in reverse. I tuck one behind my back and roll the other one in a towel for the front side and I'm pretty good to go. - Hawaiinei
Read the full Domino Magazine article H E R E

my favourite ways to cool-off:

iced drink + personal mini-fan

soak in a tub

singin' in the rain

Stay Cool

I Love Rain


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