Tuesday, January 9, 2018

List of TPS Countries Past and Present

Below is the list of all countries that have ever been bestowed the T P S (Temporary Protected Status) designation by the US Department of Justice.  The operative word is "temporary".  Countries have been removed from the list in the past with hardly a peep of hysteria, so cool-it Liberals!

U.S. Temporary Protected Status countries, past and current: 
Terminated from Designation List:
Angola (2003)
Bosnia-Hercegovina (2000)
Burundi (2007)
Guinea-Bissau (2000)
Kuwait (1992)
Lebanon (1993)
Liberia (2017)
Montserrat (2004)
Nicaragua (2017)
Kosovo (2000)
Rwanda (1997)
Sudan (2017)
by the numbers
"Designation by the Attorney General of a country's nationals for TPS allows all of those country's nationals who are currently in the United States on the day of the designation to apply for the status. Anyone entering after that date will not be eligible. When the status comes up for expiration, the Attorney General may choose to redesignate, allowing that country's nationals who have entered since the original designation to apply, or to extend, which merely allows the previous recipients to maintain their status until the new expiration date." -- wikipedia

TPS List

End of Special Protection

Temporary Protected Status


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