Thursday, November 2, 2017

This Male is Not Husband Material

Future November Elections brought this true story to mind: 

I know a young male (I couldn’t say man) who lives down the road and has never had a job that lasted more than a few days. He lives in a house that is falling down around him. Ten years from now, that lazy genius will still be waiting for his ship to come in, and the only thing out of the ordinary in his life that will happen is that the roof of his house will fall on him.

He once told me, “Well, I am going to go down there and ask for a job.”
“You could get there before they close,” I said.
“Well, I am afraid they would close before I got there and the trip would be wasted, so I think I will go tomorrow.”

I said to him, “If I were you, I would live under the bridge next to the plant where I could make it to work every day without fail. So that after two weeks I would have earned enough money to rent a cheap apartment within walking distance. Within a month, I would have enough saved to buy an old car, and within a year, I would have found a better job and have a car good enough to take me back and forth to a better job. And within two years, I would be purchasing a fixer-up home. And with the passing of three years, I would have sold the fixer-upper for a $100,000.00 profit and have purchased two more homes and be fixing them both up for resale. Within ten years, I would own ten houses and would be entirely self-employed and looking for bigger investments.” 

This type of male will blame the government and vote Democratic. No, he won’t vote at all. He will just talk about it, and talk, and plan bigger things, and wait until tomorrow. Yes, tomorrow is soon enough for that kind of a “male.” ~by Michael Pearl

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