Thou shalt not revile the gods,
nor curse the ruler of thy people.
Exodus 22:28
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Model Chrissy Tiegen blames President Trump for her severe anxiety. How I wish that the source of people's anxieties were that easy to figure-out. From reading the article and her very long-term trolling of Mr Trump, I am guessing that her problems are quite deep seated; have multiple causes and tangled roots that go back many, many years. Simply impeaching the POTUS will not be the answer.
I hope she gets better, and does not get nuttier. I pray that her baby comes to no harm. I happen to think that her husband, John Legend, with his horrid words against our President, adds to her anxiety issues. Together, their daily conversations must be like water that gets murkier and murkier as they stir each other up to hate, hate, and more hate. (BTW, he's got a concert at our local venue this June. Not that I would waste my money on such an outspoken POTUS-basher; but even if I were to change my mind, it's already sold-out).
Anyhoo, here are 10 suggestions for Ms Tiegen -- some of which I've personally tried because EVERYONE has anxiety issues. #10 is most important:
1. See your Psychiatrist. You obviously need to Up the number of visits judging by the article
2. Have your doctor adjust/tweak/change your meds accordingly
3. Go on a vacation with hubby; leave baby Lulu with your parents; Enjoy
4. Rest. Sleep 8 hours a night at the very least
5. Be active. Take longer walks. Join an exercise class.
6. Do what you do best: gourmet cooking
7. STOP the vulgar language with which you pepper your conversations/posts. You upset others. If others around you are not happy, that will rub off on you.
8. STOP complaining so much. Tell John too. You both need to be more thankful for the super-abundant blessings with which you've been bestowed by God (good looks, good health,wealth, influence, and talent, to name a few).
9. Read the following short article. Fill that pretty head of yours with research on the link between complaining and re-wiring your brain.
10. If you can do only ONE thing, Ms Tiegen, read the short passage below and pay special attention to the words in bold:
Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.
Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance
of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.
Did you see that, Ms Teigen? Read it again: ... they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation ...
What does the word damnation entail? I can think of a few -- unhappiness, depression, anxiety, confusion, pain, and so on. Aren't these some of your issues?
Thus, I strongly and seriously suggest that you stop with the complaints, the negativity, the hatred, the insults of the POTUS. If God has pronounced damnation on this type of behavior, common sense would indicate that to cease said behavior would alleviate some, if not all, the problems that you currently suffer. You may even avoid worse problems in the future.
Remember: it was the almighty God who gave us Mr Trump as U.S. President. The full reasons may never be known; but he is to be respected for holding that office. Take heart that his role is but for a season (4 years, 8 years, or less).
If this "curse" were mere words -- meaningless & frivolous, an outright lie -- then the God I worship would not be the one true God. Atheists would have my attention. However, I have so much confidence in His Word that I see nothing but good things ahead for you if you follow my suggestion.
Thou shalt not revile the gods,
nor curse the ruler of thy people.
Exodus 22:28
----> Chrissy Tiegen Meltdown