Friday, December 26, 2014

Fighting the Flu

Super Immunity. No flu shots for us! Our basic supplements are:  multi-vitamins (adults' or kids' version); plus additional Vitamin C, Calcium/Magnesium/Zinc, Fish Oil and Vitamin D. We really love our Vitamin D-- the Sunshine Vitamin --  especially during Flu season! We've stuck to this formula for several years. We've had very good results. This is how it came about:  My husband had the misfortune of  taking a flu shot years ago,  and it made him feel awful and very sick for  several days afterwards. There has to be another way to ward-off the flu, he thought. Based on research on strengthening  immune systems, we chose the above  supplements (with the dosage adjusted for age/weight). We take them daily after a meal; along with drinking plenty of clean water.  We also wash our hands often, and stay away from obviously-sick people. That's it, and by the grace of God, it's enough.  None of us in the family has come down with any debilitating flu of any type for several years already. Thus, no doctor visits have been needed, and no (unnecessary) antibiotics have been taken.  Even our very few colds are short-lived.  Praise God for His care and provision; and the availability of information out there.  Do your own research and make the right decision for what would work for you and your loved ones!