Sunday, October 5, 2014

NGJ Shindig 2014 in North Carolina

 Yee-haw!  Let me begin writing about the event with this short post:  I was pleased to actually see and hear Erin Harrison, of Keeper of the Homestead  fame.  She was hilarious playing a hillbilly woman during the main sessions; she even had occasion to sing.  I had never set eyes on her before the shindig, but I had read a couple of articles she wrote for NGJ magazine. Long story short --- she was horribly abused as a young'un. She was far from being, or feeling virtuous. She could have played victim, which she did for a while, and permanently ruined her marriage and family.  The only explanation for her healing and her joie de vivre in spite of the horrors is the power of the Lord Jesus Christ in her life.  She and Debi Pearl led a breakout session on how to have a happy marriage (Wow. This lady was so transparent about her life). I pre-ordered her book Living Virtuously directly from her husband who was manning their exhibitor's table (and who also happens to be just as good-looking as  Erin boasts, lol).  I can hardly wait to start reading it.  The book should be in my hands by the end of this month, God willing. 
