Thursday, July 21, 2011

Barren landscape

There are two sections which never fail to catch my eye after we enter the cemetery. One, to the left, is the Muslim section (the sign says so). Invariably, there is a mourner or visitor present. Many of their plots have fresh flowers or plants; even balloons, baskets and toys. More than once, I've seen someone holding a hose and watering the sod (where are the spigots located, I would ask myself). And as mentioned, there is at least that one, ever-present mourner or visitor. On our way out of the cemetery,  there is yet another person driving in, making a beeline for this popular section. I have named their area The Hot Spot or The Happening. Muslims seem to truly miss their loved ones and are fervent to show their love and care.

Almost directly across from the Muslim section is a place that I've named The Neglected Ones. The keep-it-plain-and-simple area. What a contrast --- no flowers, no gifts, barely any memorial plants or trees.  I've never seen a visitor there. Just marker after marker of seemingly forgotten people. Is this an older section? Or a bargain-bin, no-frills-allowed spot? Maybe it's a section especially reserved for indigents? I don't know the answers; but what a contrast between this and the popular Muslim area. 

My parent's section is farther down. There are still flowers, plants, and other evidence of caring visitors, but it's taken on a lonelier air. Keeping in mind that we visit on weekdays, I've noticed that there is almost never anyone around except us. If this is the case even on weekends, I can't help but fear that the neglected/forgotten section, to the North, has started to creep-in and begin the process of claiming this area for its own . And this is barely 1.5 years after my Mother's death.

I am forgotten as a dead man out of mind: 
I am like a broken vessel
- Psalm 31:12


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