Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Why I do not ♥ this picture

Sept 5, 2009

There's usual.  Standing by the door of my childhood home as we piled into our van for the return trip home. It would have been the end of a long and wonderful day with he and Mom. We would have had Lunch or dinner, or both; with the requisite dish made of vegetables from their garden.  Around them, we had no need for permission to lounge around...and gossip...and reminisce...and joke...and laugh out loud. Time to let our hair down and let go of our adult responsibilities.  Grown-ups having fun --no wonder the children never minded visiting Grandma and Grandpa's house.  We were all happy.

And there's the Jungle, aka the front lawn. The object of envy in the whole neighborhood. No square-foot unused/unturned. Such abundance. Flowers. Plants. Colors. And the bees....they ♥ the Jungle and the back yard. It must have been front-page news in the Bee Times.  The Bee internet must have been  a-buzz with the news:  Come one, come all.  This small plot is the next best thing to our hive.  Sweet stuff from bee heaven.  The bees were happy too.

Alas, this was the last known picture of Dad taken by my Brother-in-Law, Chris.

The house has been sold
The front garden has been replaced by sod
There is no repeating of this scene. A season of life has ended.  Forever
Is it such a surprise that I do not heart this picture?