Monday, July 5, 2010

Case study, or Do Not Hinder God

it's all pretend
I had been looking for my Oliver Peoples sunglasses for a few days.  I could not remember the last time I wore them, but I approximate it to be the 28th of June.  The eyeglass case was empty after that, and remained empty --- till today.

We were done at the Dentist's office at 12:15 pm.  Before having lunch at Joy Yee's, we headed to Rosehill Cemetery for a quick look, and to water the sod and flowers.  Eagle-eyed FJE spotted my sunnies a few feet away from Mom & Dad's plot.  It was on the plot of someone named "Martin". The sunglasses must have fallen off of their perch on my shirt when I bent over to straighten something.  How many days ago was that??!!!

I consider this event a miracle, the goodness of God manifested in my life. The location of the glasses was beyond my reach and my control. On top of that, (A) the glasses were exposed to the elements.  They went through several warm/humid/sunny days in the open air, and it rained at least twice. They somehow evaded being crushed by vehicles; and, no one took them. God became the "case" or protector of my lost sunnies. They remained in perfect (used) condition with not a scratch on them! (B) I had convinced myself of their proximity: they were either in the house or in one of our vehicles (Wrong! They were 30 miles away, blending with the sod).  So, checking back at the cemetery was not on my radar screen. Looking at their lost-and-found department, in case someone had turned them in, would not have even occurred to me.

I need to allow God to do all of my worryings for me. My usual m.o. when I lose something of value to me is to get nasty.  To get bitter. To get even nastier.  This time, I wasn't anything other than oblivious to the danger.   Thus, I did not hinder God (with my sins of the wrong attitude, wrong words, and plain-ol' wickedness) from performing His miracle.  God was free to take care of the problem for me.  All because He loves me through the Lord Jesus Christ.

How awesome is that?!

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