Friday, June 12, 2009

Vigor and Vim: Hey, Hey with the Monkeys

Farrah and buddies outdoors, playing around like the little monkeys that they are. I am thankful for their good health and boundless energy. It's hard to believe I was once, a long time ago, just as active and tireless. I remember an incident during my pregnancy while carrying her. I had shifted my position while in bed in an attempt to be comfortable. I was around 6 to 7 months pregnant. She also must have been uncomfortable for, in reaction, she gave me the biggest and strongest kick I had ever received from any of my babies. She kicked, then energetically maneuvered her whole body and her limbs to get back to a position that was comfortable for her. My tummy was all "waves". Her movements reminded me of the sensation I felt when my bag of waters broke from previous pregnancies. All of my babies had this reaction at times; but she gave the most vigorous response of all. I should have known it would translate to similar behavior outside the womb. She was loud and vigorous as a newborn and infant. She continues to be so as a 7 year-old. Praise God for good health, hehehe.