Saturday, January 13, 2018

RNC: How Dare Michelle Obama!

Michelle Obama (whose birthday is January 17th -- Happy BDay!) said that women only voted for President Trump because we were told to. She said we voted against our own voices.

How DARE sheI’m a woman and I proudly voted for President Donald Trump out of my own free will -- not because a man told me to.

Democrats love to call themselves “feminists” but the second a woman doesn’t fall in line with their liberal ideology, she’s attacked, silenced, and subjected to the very same sexist attacks liberals pretend to fight.

Michelle Obama didn’t even stop there. She said that people don’t trust politics because Republicans are all just white men.

...Maybe we don’t trust politicians because they don’t listen to us and instead tell us how we’re supposed to think, feel, and vote.

...Or maybe it’s because of politicians like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton who have abused their powers, weakened our country, and disparaged tens of millions of Americans as deplorables who cling to their religion.

I voted to drain the swamp. I voted for the wall. I voted for tougher screenings of refugees. I voted for tax cuts. I voted for a repeal of ObamaCare. I voted for a stronger economy. I voted for an America- First foreign policy.

And if that’s the agenda you want to see become the law of the land, then I need you to join me in our efforts to defend the President right now.

-- by  Ronna Romney McDaniel
RNC Chairwoman

First Lady Michelle Obama

