I am consumed by you.
I am consumed by your boldness; your crisp way of putting things into motion. You are a doer. I am a dreamer. You help me on my feet when I'm too hazy to be coherent. You exude clarity.
Somehow I find that I think better, I feel better, every time you're near. I even remember things more when you're a part of my day.
My heart can't help but race around you.... sometimes I can even feel it pounding in my chest, because I know you're knocking on the door of my heart.
You make my cheeks blush pinker than the blossoms on a mimosa tree. I look ridiculous and it's all your fault. But I love that about you.
You have such an infectious energy. I jump. I skip. I run. I leap. I dash. I carouse. And it's all because of you.
You inspire me. I write so much more and think much more clearly when you're with me.
You make my pupils dilate with elation. You make my blood run hot in my veins.
I am taken by your touch. You rattle my bones. I can only sense you so much before I shiver and shake. Sometimes, you even render me dizzy. But I'm hooked on the feeling.
You never fail to keep me up at night.
I am intoxicated by your sweet, spicy aroma. I get high on it.
I love the easy way you glide over my anxious lips, your warmth washing over me and lifting my spirits.
You're bittersweet. Sometimes you bite. Sometimes you're sharp as a tack. Yet there are days where I see the more dulcet side of you. You're smooth and mellow. You always keep things interesting.
You've taught me about taking risks. You've taught me about courage. You, always living life on the edge.
You've given me enthusiasm and bright smiles. Everything is exciting, everything is beautiful, when you share my world.
With all the stress I go through, most of the time, it's you who gets me through the day. I can always depend on you. Thanks for that.
You make me feel alive like nothing else can.
I consume you.
My delicious love.
My morning coffee.
(I go to Kaldi's and order you Tall, Dark, and... handsome :D)
by Erin
Strawberry & Cream Frappuccino |
BV + Starbucks = Luv |