Friday, March 12, 2010

Lesson learned

I've heard and  used the expression, "...enjoy it in good health" many times.  During this season of  life, I've come to realize more fully its meaning. Enjoying anyone and anything  is possible only while one has good health.

Take, for example, the  items I've received from my parent's vast collection of stuff.  The things in their home were purchased for the purpose of being used and/or enjoyed by them. But, they are no longer able to do so.  Dad is gone. Mom is bedridden and arthritic. She can't even scratch herself. Let alone put on make-up. Or use cologne. Or cook in her nice kitchen. Or take out the good china for company to use.

The loss is not one-sided.
I WISH Dad were here. So I can give him a hug.  And tell him how much he's loved and appreciated.
I WISH Mom would get up, and use the bathroom on her own. And dance, and garden, and drive her car.
And come over to my house. And enjoy the kids' recitals. And smile at me.  And joke with me.
And tell me what's really on her mind.


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