Friday, September 11, 2009

Fall Music Lessons Begin

...or, how can someone be beautiful AND talented at the same time?! 
oh, daughters are just as talented and beautiful (*RE allowing herself a proud-mommy moment*).

Today was the official start of the Fall Semester's Music Lessons at WC.  AJ had his first Clarinet lesson with Mrs. Lacy.  She was preetier and more talented than I imagined.  She made wonderful music come out of our LeBlanc SonataClarinet (actually, it was just Scales, but it might as well have been "Stranger on the Shore", LOL). Some GREAT news --- it needs no immediate repairs.  It got the thumbs up from Mrs Lacy. What a wonderful pro-level Clarinet at an equally wonderful price.   Hey, hey; DH chose well, again! . Thank You, Lord.  I my Romeo!!

Tomorrow, Lord willing, Farrah begins Choir Class; plus the boys have their usual Piano lessons at AA.
 Next Wednesday we begin Piano Lessons for Farrah and Jill with Miss Cheryl at CSA.  (Boy, do I miss Camille and her Flute lessons).

May the Lord Jesus Christ continue to provide the funds for All  music lessons through Romy's hard work.

CSA and A&A Recital Season here we come ♥ ♥ ♥

Doing schoolwork while AJ has Clarinet Lesson

 Music Lessons on the campus of WC

AJ with his beautiful/talented Clarinet teacher, Mrs L