Thursday, June 18, 2009

College Orientation SIU

Early this morning, Romy took Camille, Jill, and Farrah to SI for Camille's Freshman Orientation. Cammy is super-hyped/super-excited. She and her advisor will be planning her schedule. Below are pictures from last February '09. Back then, Cammy was being interviewed as a potential recipient of the full academic Scholarship. There were over 100 finalists. They even held a special dinner for them. The pictures were taken after the interview/dinner. They had time to do a quick drive-through of nearby St Louis.
It's warm here today (80's); it's even warmer down South (mid 90's). Hopefully, their hotel will have an indoor swimming pool. I hope so, for Farrah's sake. She had dutifully packed a swimsuit and extra towel!