Stuff and Events of Interest to a non-PC wife and mom of 6 kids+
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Let's Celebrate Camille (High School Graduation with Honors)
After morning worship service, PMBC celebrated our DD's High School graduation with cake and coffee, plus presented her with a gift card. Hubby and I also presented her with her H.S. diploma. What a wonderful, delightful daughter! We feel truly blessed of the Lord. She's a loving, sensitive person; and a hard-worker. And it has certainly paid off academically --- Cammy is the recipient of a FULL Scholarship to SIU. Not bad for a home-schooled-kid! After people congratulate her, they usually turn around and heap praise on me. I am often surprised by this gesture. I feel more like her coach than her teacher. I am certainly not the smartest woman in the world. The full honor must go to the Lord Jesus Christ who gave Cammy the opportunity, the ability, and the brains.