Saturday, September 17, 2016

Donald Trump and his Supporters a-la Victor Hugo

It's too bad we did not see Victor Hugo's  grave site while in Paris, France;
 though we did see his son's plot at  Montmartre Cemetery

Possible new logo?

On a more sobering note:

While waiting for my mom who was in a "Gentle Fitness " class, a couple of seniors, a lady and a gentleman, were arguing about Hillary. I jokingly stepped in to separate them as their arguments were getting too loud. She was a Hillary die-hard and he was a Trump "deplorable". I explained to them that at this point in the election...all the supporters of both camps are fully entrenched. There is nothing that any of them can say that would change the other person's mind. This election has both candidates support at around 40% a piece. The battle is for the remaining 20%. -- WP